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My family:

This is Lily Lou, my youngest sister. She is 5 years old and is loved by everyone who lays eyes on her. In 2008 my family found out she has a rare blood disease, so my parents are very careful with her. Which leads to that she gets almost everything she wants. She now is slowly taking over the house and becoming spoiled. This is why she seems cute, but is really evil if she doesn't get what she wants.. Although she can be be cute too.

Doesn't Michelle look like she is thinking of something to ruin my day?? She does, doesn't she? Well, she isn't actually. She never means to hurt me(although she does try to ruin my day sometimes), and keeps telling herself she is gonna stay nice for the rest of her day. But she alsways seems to be getting into trouble, just because she will not give up on her dreams or anything! She is 9 years old and LOVES dragons!

 This is my dad. His name is Mark, and we moved to America because of his job. He cares a lot about me, Lily, Michelle, and my mom. He works a lot and comes home late stressed. If its really late he gets upset easily but we always know he doesn't mean it. They also say Lily looks a lot like him, can you see the resemblance? I really love my dad! He is the best, because he is always really funny and knows how I feel!

This is my mom with Michelle. I love my mom! I think she is the best mom ever! She cares about us, and is always ready to help us! She also knows how I usually feel and always helps me think of the bright side!Her name is Hanneke, and she works at a hospital in Holland! So she is busy a lot of times and when Lily Lou got sick, she was a great help to the doctors because she understood most of what they said. My dad even told me she is the best mom I can ever have! 

ME!!!! I am 12 years old and am always really curious about stuff. I like learning new languages, and like chalenges! I like sports and working with animals. I believe in unicorns, elves and dragons, especiallt dragons because they have proved that. But I know some day they'll find evidence of elves and unicorns! Just like Michelle, I don't give up very fast on my dreams!